In Peace in a Good Place

When we are born into this passing world, and when to Him we return is all preordained. It is His Wisdom that dictates how every detail takes place in this, and all the seen and unseen Worlds, and His Mercy that prevails and encompasses all. Dear ones are missed when they leave us behind, and our minds cannot comprehend why they had to go so soon. Our aching hearts get consoled that we’ll  catch up with them when it’s our turn. Life here is short no matter what, an hour’s worth by God’s count. It is Eternity in His Presence that we should seek. All that He Created willingly sing His Praise, but endowed with free will, us humans, are put to the test, to prove ourselves worthy, before we return from this domain to the Next.

Rahmatu Allah on all the loved ones who returned and may we be ready when it is our turn. May we all be joined in gardens under which rivers flow, where no hardship nor suffering exists, only Bliss. Where welcoming Angels surround us, and our Loved ones, and come in from every door. Where Peace is the Greeting, and in Peace with The Peaceful and Merciful we together contently and with no ill feelings forever dwell.

Meanwhile ya Allah give all who love Tasneem the strength to go on knowing that in Your Presence she is missed here, but she is in Peace in a Good Place. 

— Manar Darwish

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